PRIORITY (PReventIOn of BRCA-related cancers with lIfesTYle) project submitted at AIRC Investigator Grant 2022

PRIORITY (PReventIOn of BRCA-related cancers with lIfesTYle) project has been submitted for the call launched by AIRC, Investigator Grant - IG 2022, with the aim of  investigating the effect of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention in the occurrence of primary BRCA-related cancers. 

The consortium, which involves LifeCharger, is leaded by Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori and includes clinical excellences, in the field of cancer scientific research and management, patients' associations and research institutions. 

In this context, the BRCApp, developed by LifeCharger, is used for conveying the plan for intervention and for its managing and scheduling. The participants will be supported and guided to map their intervention in activities to perform each day (exercise routine, diet) and to plan clinical/laboratory examinations. Reminders will be received as in-app notifications to carry out the scheduled activities on time. The link of the BRCApp with the smart-watch physical activity tracker will allow to collect data on the physical activity performance and to monitor compliance. BRCApp environment has the possibility to share data with the research group. Through a specific web dashboard, it will be possible to remotely follow progresses and collect information useful to redefine the plan required actions. Data will be shared between the participants and the researchers using cutting-edge end-to-end encryption algorithms, ensuring that only who has the smart consent can access and see the shared data. Smart consents are smart contracts registered on block chain which allow to clearly identify the contract between the participants and the professional caregiver, defining who owns the data and who can access them, type of data shared, temporal limits (continuous sharing, one-shot sharing or periodic sharing) and the center for which the data are shared.

  • Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT, Milan)
  • Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (IEO, Milan)
  • Istituto Tumori “Giovanni Paolo II” (Bari)
  • The Center for Integrative Oncology- Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Gemelli IRCCS (Rome)
  • Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo (Pavia)
  • aBRCAdaBRA: BRCA families’ association 
  • Fondazione Mutagens