Digital Solutions for health and wellness

We support the synergy between patient, caregivers and healthcare professionals

About us

SynCare® Ecosystem 

SynCare ecosystem has been developed by LifeCharger with the aim of providing an innovative ICT platform for supporting and implementing the concept of HOUSE as an HUB for HEALTH & CARE, while supporting the delivery of more patient-centered care. 

SynCare includes tools for the main healthcare STAKEHOLDERS, a mobile app for the patient and his informal caregivers, a web dashboard for healthcare professionals, linked together in a close, secure loop, able to ensure safe exchange of data and the provision of a wide range of useful functionalities and services. 

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Personalised plan & scheduling

The patient receives the therapeutic plan or the suggested and prescribed actions/activities, managed with HL7 standards (CDA®). Our system automatically creates the daily agenda or guides and supports the patient to map the care plan into activities to perform each day (physical activity, exercise routine, diet, drugs, etc), to plan medical examinations or laboratory tests.">Designed by  / Freepik

Remind & 

Notifications, Smart Reporting

Reminders are received as in-app notifications and/or by vocal reminders through smart speaker, to carry out the scheduled activities in time.

The app includes smart reports to easily self-monitor the adherence to the intervention/therapeutic plan and personal trends (e.g., performances with respect to assigned goals, trends of symptoms and physiologic parameters, etc.).  

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Multimodal data collection

The patient can collect data related to drug intake, physical activity and exercises, physiological parameters, symptoms, examinations & medical tests. It is also possible to collect psychological, behavioural, environmental data needed for patient’s profiling. Data collection modalities are the following:

  • Integration of sensing technologies and devices, belonging to three main areas: Health, Wellness, Living Environment.
  • Custom Questionnaires and surveys to collect self-reported data: Profile, Symptoms, ...
  • Voice interaction system with smart speaker
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Innovative Data Sharing

Our solution reserves high attention to the privacy and security of sensitive patient data. Data are shared using cutting-edge end-to-end encryption algorithms, ensuring that only who has the consent can access and see the shared data. Data sharing consents are managed as smart contracts registered on blockchain which allow to clearly define the contract between the patient and the informal or professional caregiver, defining contractors, type of data shared, temporal limits: continuous sharing (real time monitoring), one-shot sharing (visit-related sharing), medical service for which the data are shared (this covers the definition of the legal responsibilities for the healthcare professional).

  • End-to-end encryption
  • Digital Informed/sharing consents
  • Smart contracts registered on blockchain
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Booking appointments

Our solution allows to book online consultations with different healthcare professionals, planning one-to-one video calls. It also suggest virtual events and video classes/webinars according to the preferences, goals, and profile of the users. These kind of functionalities are often linked with specific services, as the ones born to favour the adoption of healthier life styles: "healthy eating" and "stay fit". 

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Reports Archive

Our system to receive, save, reorder and categorise documents such as medical reports, exam results and treatment plans. It is possible to create collections and categories to easily find and manage all the needed documents without carrying around bags full of paper.


HTTPS services & micro services for third parties

We offer HTTPS services and micro services to third parties that are interested to take advantage of particular features and functionalities offered by our platform without using the entire platform (e.g mobile app, clinical dashboard, ..). Among the offered services there are:

Drug-drug interaction: detect interactions starting from a list of medicines (identified as barcodes or ATCs) received in input 

Drug-food interaction: detect interactions starting from a list of medicines (identified as barcodes or ATCs) received in input and a list of food 

-Adverse drug effects and related symptoms


HTTPS services & micro services for third parties

We offer HTTPS services and micro services to third parties that are interested to take advantage of particular features and functionalities offered by our platform without using the entire platform (e.g mobile app, clinical dashboard, ..). Among the offered services there are:

- Drug-drug interaction: detect interactions starting from a list of medicines (identified as barcodes or ATCs) received in input 

- Drug-food interaction: detect interactions starting from a list of medicines (identified as barcodes or ATCs) received in input and a list of food 

-Adverse drug effects and related symptoms 




LifeCharger will contribute to INNODYN Project, leaded by İnnova Bilişim Çözümleri A.Ş, with its expertise in healthcare and care pathway knowledge, interoperability, and deployment in Italy to support the success of the INNODYN project.

The PCP Dynamo aims to strengthen the resilience of European healthcare systems through the adoption of advanced technologies.


ELISAH - European Linkage of Initiative from Science to Action in Health

The 2-year project aims to deliver well-informed policies and medical interventions in line with the principles outlined in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Structured into two distinct phases, ELISAH begins with a thorough analysis of national cancer plans, breast cancer rates, and the distribution of risk factors. The second phase involves designing innovative interventions and actions to overcome current limitations in breast cancer prevention. This includes a web-based platform for lifestyle changes, targeted initiatives to raise awareness of risk factors, and screenings in specified regions.

The ELISAH project is funded by the European Commission (Call EU4H-2022-PJ-3), and has a budget of almost 1 million euros. Coordinated by the Istituto Naxionale dei Tumori (Italy).


LifeCharger has developed the BRCApp, the app for the e-BRAVE project. The project is promoted by the fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano, and aims to create a large web community of women carrying BRCA mutations to follow over time, in order to understand which lifestyle factors are truly associated with the development of the disease.


HSMonitor is a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) project investing in Research and Development services towards innovative ICT-enabled monitoring solutions to improve health status and optimise hypertension care. SmartHT Project will provide an end-to-end smart hypertension management solution to improve: 

(1) primary prevention, 

(2) timely diagnosis and 

(3) effective management of hypertension.

Mutagens -app
Mutagens - app

Mutagens app App born from the collaboration with the Mutagens Association, a non-profit organization aimed at actively contributing to medical-scientific research and clinical care in the context of inheritance-family syndromes. The app is dedicated to people with genetic mutations to provide support in the management of controls and follow-ups and in the development of a "bottom-up" mutation registry


The main purpose of AMONTRACk is to develop specific methods of monitoring the symptoms reported directly by the patient and therefore to implement and test the LifeCharger application as a support tool in the management of treatment therapy, applied to a chronic disease that can best demonstrate its value.


Our SynCare platform has been selected from AMF-Cinisello to expand the possibility of providing more and more health services, including digital ones, in order to be closer to the people and support them. The project, that has just started, aims at providing an App which will allow to easily access to all servicies offered by AMF, supporting people's health and wellbeing, enlarging the portfolio with new digital services.


This project, leaded by ICS Maugeri, aims at developing and validating rehabilitation treatment and assistance strategies for the chronic patient, more effective than the current standard of care, through the technological and sustainable implementation of an innovative ICT infrastructure for the provision of personalized home rehabilitation services. The project responds to the hospital-territory continuity needs in accessing the network of services.

Partners & collaborations


Clinical partners & Universities

Let The Number Speak

Hostings Done
Dedicated Servers
Satisfied Clients
Websites Created


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Martha Jones HR Manager

Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem.Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, suntin culpa qui officia deserunt mollit animid est laborum.

Claudia Moore Sales Manager

Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem.Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, suntin culpa qui officia deserunt mollit animid est laborum.

Seth Gambles CEO